Read part one.
If I could make one recommendation to you to ensure you have a great experience at Le Fou Frog, it would be to ask questions of your server. The chalkboard menu only leaves room for the high points of a dish, so if you find something intriguing (either because it's a scallop dish and you love scallops, or because it's a branzini dish and you have no idea what that is or tastes like), ask your server to tell you more about it.
Now that I think about it, that's a good rule of thumb for any restaurant. And also a good test of one's front of house.
If it weren't for asking questions of our extremely knowledgeable server, we never would have ordered this gorgeous, delicious dish. It's Branzini, a sea bass from the Mediterranean. Our server described it beautifully, and we were all immediately smitten (and impressed when she correctly answered my mother's question of its origin without missing a beat). We knew someone must order it.
It was stuffed with chèvre (goat cheese) and crab and served with the most delightful Parmigiano Reggiano risotto. It lived up to its high expectations, and the presentation totally wowed us when it arrived at the table.
Ahi Tuna with... well, I can't remember - this was Grammy's dish. Except the pickled carrot ribbons over in the right corner. Tasty.
I convinced my father to order the duck, which was served with a raspberry sauce and stacked scalloped potatoes.
My brother got the lobster tails with the vanilla bean champagne sauce I mentioned in part 1. Such an impeccable dish. It was gone in approximately 34 seconds and I don't believe his plate made the rounds.
Oh, the filet le Fou. Melt-in-your-mouth perfection on a plate. The best dish on the menu. Order it and go to heaven momentarily.
I ordered the scallops. They were prepared differently than they typically have been in the past, and I must say, although the were absolutely delicious this time around, they've done them better. Perhaps its their fall/winter version I prefer.
Up next - dessert! You can't go to a French restaurant and not order dessert. And you especially can't go to le Fou Frog and not order dessert.
It's law.

I think someone should pay us to travel around the US, just trying out all these fabulous restaurants. {You go out to eat more than I do and I'm jealous!} OH, and they should pay for gym memberships, too! :D