west elm's stint in Kansas City is up. It was a short 2 years. My house is full of west elm items. It's my go-to store for home decor (well, the major stuff).

Like this media unit, which we got to replace the Stallion's typical black cart 'entertainment center' thingy (you know what I mean. I think it's a staple of college students/post-grad youngsters). The thing I love about this piece is that the doors swing both ways so you can hide all the electronics.

Our TV is flanked on both sides by these lamps. The Stallion picked them out. He has impeccable taste. I didn't give them a second glance. When the media unit and these lamps were all set up, we couldn't stop looking at it. It's totally sexy, let me tell ya.

And this is our bed. It's a low platform bed. We chose this one because we didn't want to block too much window in our old house. Now that we have Jade & Cooper, it's not so awesome. Blurs the lines when it comes to territories. I still love it tremendously, though.

I just got these drapes for our living area. Oh my goodness. Drapes complete a room. For serious. I wish we hadn't gone so long without them. They are gorgeous.

And we have their square plates. I love them so. I wish we had the bowls, too. Most of my food porn is shot on those square plates. They're wonderous.
You can imagine the severe depression that ensued after I received an email from west elm last week emploring me to come in and shop the entire 15% off store. Oh, why the sale? Holidays? Nope. Because we're closing. Sorry.
I hate breakups. When I met the Stallion I didn't think I'd have to go through another one again.
Sure I can still order online. But it's not the same. And I don't want to pay for shipping on a big honkin' chunk of furniture. Obviously.
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